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My Experience With Video Editing

My Introduction to Video Editing

What can I say aside from the fact that YouTube exists? Like many others out there, YouTube was the platform that got me into video production. Video production isn't the focus of my career choice, but it is something that I enjoy enough and a skill that I've definitely been utilizing.

Making Plush Videos at the Age of Ten

At a young age, I was introduced to plush videos, which are just videos that use plush toys as the characters. I don't watch nor do I make them anymore, but everybody starts somewhere. I had always wondered how people got videos on YouTube and eventually created my own YouTube channel when I was ten that focused on plush video content. My videos were terrible, but I built experience and got better at making videos from it. My first few videos were just raw footage.

I eventually got editing software on my phone that could do the bare minimum of editing, like putting two videos together and adding a single piece of music per video. I eventually found an editor that I could use on my computer called Filmora. At the time, Filmora was a video editing software that was perfect for people just starting out. It didn't cost much and had a good amount of options to utilize. It's actually updated quite a bit over the years and has become much bigger.

This was what I used at the time and still use to this day.

Improving in Quality

Despite what most people may think, getting the editor didn't automatically make my videos good. The editing made my videos look nicer, but what made them gradually get better was my growing experience with making videos combined with the writing skills I had acquired over the years.

A Little More About My Old Accounts

My time as a "plushtuber" also gave me experience as a YouTuber as well as with digital art. My original account still exists, but it's no longer possible for anyone to access any of my old videos or even find the channel itself. I had a second plush channel that was meant to act as a revival of the first one, but it ended up getting deleted along with the videos on it.

I also had a few backup channels that were originally meant for other genres of content, but they've been lost to time due to me forgetting their email addresses.

My Video Editing Skills Now

The video editing and writing skills I've gained through these experiences have already proven useful as they have already enabled me to create my music videos as well as the very website that you're reading from right now.